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Data - 'golden key' of digital transformation

To transform successfully, data is 'golden key' to develop Internet of things (IOT), help creating strong breakthroughs in production and business.

The most important part of digital transformation is data

A century ago, oil was considered the most precious resource. But nowadays during the digital era, data is considered as an invaluable asset. The era of giants such as Google, Facebook or Apple exploit and control all resources no stranger - "data" in digital form.

Digital transformation is a revolution, bringing strong breakthroughs to businesses who know how to take the opportunity. The companies Alphabet (parent company of Google), Amazon, Apple, Facebook or Microsoft earned more than $30 billion in net profit in the first quarter of 2019. Amazon accounts for half of the online market share in the US while Google and Facebook dominate the advertising segment in the US in 2018 ... According to experts, that is the trend that cannot be denied and Vietnam is also not out of that cycle.

Speaking at the 15th Vietnam Finance Exhibition - Vietnam Expo, Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Thanh Hung also stated that the world has entered the period of industrial revolution 4.0, building a digital government towards serving the digital economy and Vietnam cannot stand outside that inevitable trend.

Therefore, all that Vietnam needs to prepare and proactively adapt to the industrial revolution 4.0 is the digital transformation process. And for a successful digital transformation, it should concentrate in the only and most important keyword: data.

Data - 'golden key' of digital transformation


Mr. Cao Hoang Anh - Deputy General Director of FSI also said: "Digital transformation in enterprises and organizations is an inevitable trend in the 4.0 era. In that digital transformation, it's important to create a large database for successful digital transformation. "

Recently at the Vietnam ICT Summit 2019 High Technology Forum with the theme "Digital transformation for a mighty Vietnam", the majority of delegates also emphasized the urgency of conducting digital transformation. This is not only a global technology trend but also an impact on the fields of economy, politics and society.

Solution for creating large databases

"In the immediate future, the units need to exploit and immediately use existing data sources. In the long term, it is necessary to set uniform standards and architecture (with solutions) before building national facilities to connect and share them, "said Cao Hoang Anh, FSI Deputy General Director offers solutions for creating large databases. According to him, FSI's mission as well as technology units, is give advice, synchronous solutions to connect and exploit effectively national branch databases.

Data - 'golden key' of digital transformation


FSI is one of the leading digital transformation solutions providers in Vietnam. This unit has many solutions for storage issues, creating big data (Big Data) and effectively exploiting data in agencies and units such as: D-IONE digital database solution, DocEye document storage and management system, Identification & extraction technology information automatically.

D-IONE is a smart document digital solution platform built according to ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 information security standards, to meet the requirements of: application of information technology to process high quality data, efficient information, manage information and data efficiently, provide information fast and confidential, saving time, operating costs, improving work efficiency.

According to FSI, this platform saves up to 50% of deployment costs, 80% of time and resources compared to digitalized methods of creating traditional databases, while improving safety, accuracy and information security. D-IONE integrates IONE automatic identification and extraction technology, with an accuracy of more than 95%, automatically extracting unlimited information form forms, unlimited types of documents such as: document records copies, diagrams, photos, identity cards, red books ... Integrating smart technology such as Machine learning, AI, IOT ... helps the database creation process become fast, save time and cost, and improve exactly.

D-IONE solution has been applied to many large customers in many different fields such as manufacturing, retail, real estate, auditing ... ministries and ministries: Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Government Office, Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, Ethnic Minority Committee, Ministry of Justice ... and is highly appreciated for its efficiency, according to FSI.

D-IONE solution is provided by FSI technology and trading investment joint stock company - one of the leading digital transformation solutions suppliers in Vietnam, Top 50 leading IT enterprises in Vietnam, and Vietnam Gold Star unit 2018.

Contact digital transformation consulting and technology experience at:

Website: www.fsivietnam.com.vn - www.sohoatailieu.com

Hotline: 0904 805 255.